Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sneak Peak!

As far as energy goes, this week has been pretty tough. I hate when I want so badly to do something, but I just don;t have the energy. This goes for sewing and running. I have at least made some progress on the sewing front. Running... not so much.

I did make some time to cut out fabric for a new set of coasters. It's going to be a vibrant set that I may have a hard time parting with!

So........ here is the sneak peak at my next project

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Back at it

I'm so happy to be sewing again and actually have items to list on Etsy! It has been hard to not have the time or the energy to put into it, but I think we are finally getting settled down in our new place.

It's really awesome to have a room to contain my mess! Before, my sewing space was in the living room. I would have to pull out a table and get everything out of a container. Then, put everything back when I'm done. Now, if I don't have time or don't feel like cleaning up every single scrap, I can just simply close the door!

Here are the items I have been able to list so far. I would love any feedback!

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." ~Confucius

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Cost of Handmade

A lot of people that make handmade items have a hard time pricing their work. I am definitely one of those people. It's hard to get the Walmart mentality out of your head. Now I'm not one of those people that bashes Walmart, but I have to say that buying handmade is not anywhere near the same as buying at your local big box store.

What goes into the price of a handmade item? Running a business, as I have found out, is not an inexpensive endeavor. You of course have to add in the price of the materials themselves, but what about the time you spent researching or coming up with a design? You also have to factor in the cost of equipment and the fees that go along with whatever forum you decide to sell in. Then what about insurance? If you don't have a spouse that has insurance through their work place then you have to consider buying your own. And we all know how expensive that can be! Not to mention getting paid for the TIME to make the item!

I'm sure there are many other factors that others could add, but the point of the post is this: When you go to a craft show, market, or look at handmade items online stop and think about what goes into the price of that item. Just because you may not be able to afford it, doesn't mean that it isn't worth the price tag on it.

Support handmade and artists when you can! It really makes their day when you do! :)

Today's quote:

"Change your thinking, change your life." ~Ernest Holmes.